My donut icing (Blender Guru) breaks when I try to offset it

Hi! I wanted to start learning Blender and started watching Blender Guru’s donut modelling introduction series (Part 4, Level 1: Modelling - Blender 2.8 Beginner Tutorial), but whenever I try to move a vertex it glitches in a strange way on the other side (see picture) although I just have selected one. I have turned on snap to face…
Sorry, I don’t seem to be able to attach the .blend file because I’m a new user.

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thats normal and it is not a glitch. The vertex you are trying to move is snapping to the closest face you are bringing your pointer onto. When you turn of the snap you will be able to move it freely without the ‘‘glitchy’’ effect you are trying to describe. I got this problem a while ago too, somehow I didn’t realize the snap was on and struggled with it for days :sweat_smile: another user from here told me that it was the problem :smiley:


Also you can attach blender files using this website:

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Thank you! will definitely try that:)
I don’t know why it works in Blender Guru’s video though… Maybe he turned it off without me noticing

If you can post the file I can try to help further :slight_smile:

Something else is to turn on snap (you have to set it properly first) temporarily you can use ctrl key, probably the left ctrl key.