My ear is crashing Blender

I made an ear for my samurai, UV mapped it, then mirror duplicated it. Everything is fine at this point, but then when I go to render, it crashes. Tried it about 4 times, with the same result each time. I uninstalled Blender and am going to reinstall it now. I’ll report back shortly.


Reinstalled,…same deal. I moved the offending ear to another layer, rendered, no problems,…moved it back, render,…as soon as the render reaches the ear,…crashola. arg.

What do you have the subsurf set to?

I’m not sure, because I lost the data,…I think I had it on 1 or 2 though. I tried rendering it sans material and subsurf, and it worked ok. I am going to try a couple of different things, and see if there is a way I can get an ear on this guy. The original ear, btw, which was the exact same as the duplicated ear, gave me no problems. I am going to try to color it with vertex paint. Maybe that will keep it from crashing.

did you mirror it inside or outside edit mode?



Did you “apply size/rot” ?
(Don’t know if it helps, but negative sizes could cause trouble)

I tried it again in edit mode, and it seems to be ok so far. Thanks guys.