My ex-boss is a ****

blah blah blah

From the info available here, I tend to agree with your ex-boss. Remember, it is his business after all, whether you agree with company policies or not. If you don’t agree, then discuss it with him in a mature way. Saying something like this: “There is obviously
nothing to discuss as you’ve made up your mind,” is not a very mature and professional thing to do. In fact the general feel of your written reply sounds pretty snotty. You did not give him any chance to reason with you.

I’m not saying this just to put you down, but rather in the hopes that you may learn from it.

not a very mature and professional thing to do.

Posting this kind of stuff on a Blender forum is immature and unprofessional in the extreme. Why in the world would you post this here? Are you just trying to make yourself as unhirable as you can to as many people as possible? No adult who reads this thread would hire you.

If it was me I would ask him the true reasons for these excuses for laying you off. If he did just saying for “overbilling” but did not say a reason for this ask him.

I don’t want to take sides but it seems there are alot of gaps in this.

If it was me, I would counter each of his accusations, and give him in-depth explanation into how he is wrong. And if you are able to support your actions with log dates etc, show it to him. Best to do this in person tho.

I agree with the Bugman. Not a very smart thing to do posting this online.

No adult who reads this thread would hire you.

That’s saying no employer would hire someone if they knew how he acted outside of work. If most people had to explain to their employers what they’ll have to explain to god after sniffing one too many lines in a bathroom stall, it’d be welfare paying for that one way ticket instead of a paycheck. Most people only have the capacity to do what they need to rationalize and move on and no more than that. If a company loses profits, there’s a scapegoat, then it’s business as usual the next day. This shouldn’t have been posted but from my experiences with him Sutabi is a great guy, leagues better than most. I just hope he used spellcheck before sending that reply.

I’d be extremely shocked if these allegations were true. My past exchanges with sutabi have always been productive and very friendly, and regardless of the anonymity issues of the internet, I find it very difficult to believe.

On that note, sutabi, I would really recommend not making personal posts like this-
a) people who don’t know you will just make assumptions like all the prior posters here.
b)far more importantly, your next potential employer could run your name through google and have this thread popup, which I think we can agree would be a major turnoff.

At any rate, sorry to hear things are not going so well for you, I hope it picks up in the future.

I don’t know about your work ethics, but I’ve worked for several people before I started my own business. I have never published bad shit about my employer, and neither would I ever employ anyone with such attitude.

As for the allegations, his boss clearly opened himself up for discussion:
This is something that I regularly do in person,
where I can get interactive with you and invite your
questions and comments at the time. Therefore if
you would like to come in Wednesday morning to discuss
(optional) then I will be here 10:30am-2:30pm
Sutabi’s reply:
There is obviously
nothing to discuss…”
A mature professional would have taken him up on his offer and discussed it with him.

If I were Sutabi, I would delete the content of the first post here before Google caches it. And then I’d PM LarryPhillips and ask him very nicely to delete my name from his post too. I wouldn’t want this thread associated with my name nohow.

That’s just me.

Is anyone else thinking about the girl with the nipple on the ehits site? :eyebrowlift:

Sorry to hear about the work situation Sutabi, hope you get something else. From what I have read, I would tend to agree with what people have said here though. I know how easy it is to drift around on a project when there is bad management but you always need to act on your own initiative so you are not accountable. At the bottom, you are always made accountable to save someone at the top.

Sorry removed it…

Anyways yeah, we talked about those issues before and the very last point of where he said I basicly stole from the company yeah not great I can say good bye to me working with anyone in web development again.