My first 3D modeling.

Dear guys, this is my first 3D modeling project using Blender 2.68 modeling and render in cycle. I know I still a long way to go and I will try my best. Hope you guys like this. Thank you for viewing.


Are you sure this is your first? :slight_smile: It’s very good - nice modelling and you have captured the movement very well.

Hi, thanks for your praised. Yes, this is my first piece of 3D art. In fact, I took months to learn Blender and at the meanwhile create this art.

Oh, I forgot to mention. This character is Fujin, well knew as “God of Wind” in Japanese. :slight_smile:

Agreed on both counts :wink:

The pose + ribbons/sashes are very good and add nicely to the composition.

very nice work!!

glad you said about months of practise!! my first go in blender was a squashed squishy thing lol