My First BGE Tutorial (kind of) HD: DL in 2.5x

hi there!:smiley:
This is my first video tutorial for BGE :o on DL (Dynamic Loading) in 2.5x

Here’s the link

BTW Dynamic Loading Allows you to make super big games. How ?
Well rather than putting everything into a single blend file, a good use of
dynamic loading on your games allows you to load what you want at a
specific instance the object can be stored on separate blend
files and can be made to load whenever you want and unload them when you
don’t want it, there by increasing the frame rate and making an illusion of an
infinite world. get it?

Can i just note this has been removed from youtube?

sorry for that!i found that there was a change in python API,so i made a new one

Thanks for this tutorial, it’s exactly what I needed. I will try it, and make some experiements.