Never posted on this fourm before so hello to everyone! A quick intro, My name’s Stephen from the UK and Im 15; nearly 16. I downloaded Blender in about Mid November 2006, played around a bit with meshes and materials etc and then set about making a full project on the 27th December 2006; Been working on it literaly every day since I started.
Finshed it about half an hour ago, what do you think? If you see anything that could mabye be improved on then please do tell me. Ive compiled a full collection of renders for the development from start to finish so if you want to see them then just look at this Photobucket Album ( )
Final Render:- See the 4th Post in this topic for final render
Very good! Definitely time well spent:D
Very good modelling, well done on the crumpled up paper BTW:)
Only one problem, the background outside the window looks bright and yet all the lighting in the image seems to be coming from a ceiling light, I think most of it would be coming from outside. Apart from that, the lighting’s good, I love the shiny surfaces:)
Was this Blender Internal or Yafray?
Anyway, well done on finishing your first project.
This looks really good for a first project. My main critique would be to make the lighting better. The shadows look odd to me.
If you could get yafray working, I would recommend using the GI (global illumination) to make the shadows more realistic. Or, you can turn on ambient occlusion in blender. All you have to do is go to the world panel, go to the “amb occ” tab, and turn it on. If you increase the number of samples, it improves the quality level, but it takes longer to render.
Good job and welcome to the forums!
For Yafray, try un-clicking the “xml” button in the Yafray tab, so you will see it as it is rendering. With the xml button on, it waits until it’s completely done to show you the results, which can take a loooong time, with no feedback.
Once Yafray is working, you have to fiddle with the lighting, which I’m still trying to learn… if you still get all black, in the Yafray GI tab, set Method Full, and set EmitPower to 2 or 3… which I’ve heard you’re not supposed to do, but I don’t know why, and I haven’t yet figured out why all my Yafray scenes are too dark without it.
Hey looks good!
one thing I would look at is the large blown out white area on your window, and frame. Either try turning down the specularity for the materials that are being blown out, or try moving the light farther away from them.