My first Blender work (face)

Started using Blender a couple of days ago and the more I use it the more I like it (and the more I read about it the more I am impressed with what it can do).

This is what I have so far

:o :o :o . You’ve got this program a few days? :o :o :o
And it looks so good already. You’ve got talent. :smiley:

holy shit! dude! a few days??? :o :o

i cant even do that good, and ive had it for about 5 months!!! :o :o :o

After reading that I want to see it, but all I get is a little red x!

Hmm seems the webserver where I host stuff is ‘too busy’ at the moment, I can’t even got on to see my stuff. Should be back in awhile I guess.

:o Wow. Nice face. :slight_smile:

When you finish, I suggest that you put the face in a neutral “resting” expression, whatever that might be for this dude. I think that makes it a little easier to set up the vertex-groups to get the face to deform. He’s got a bit of a frown now. (And if that is his “resting pose,” then he’s a real bad-ass dude :wink: and I can’t wait to see him perform.

Another thing I’d add is… I like the way you’ve got him lit.

Hehe thanks. I think I’m done with this one actually. It was really just to get familiar with the workflow and UI, so it isn’t constructed too well for animation I don’t think (not that I’ve ever done animation). I gave him the frown to give him some attitude hehe. The lighting was actually just a test too and turned out better than I expected. Just setup 2 lamps and a spotlight and rendered in yafray with ray tracing. I saw a tutorial for making a good animatable face here so I’m going to give that a go . And I just discovered, about 25 minutes ago, the knife tool!. What I was doing when I wanted more detail was deleting faces, then connecting vertices and subdividnig the lines, then filling in the faces hehehe. I thought it was odd there wasn’t a tool to cut things more accurately, glad I was wrong and there is.

is blender youre first 3d app? cause if it is - that truly is a talent.

For only a few days, that’s very impressive.

I started learning to model about January, I was using Maya but I want an app where I could do whatever I wanted with what I made, and one that can do pretty much anything I want, so I’m switching to Blender :slight_smile: after having looked at many other programs. A few days ago I was sitting (and drooling) as I looked through the galleries and artwork people have put up here, which showed amazing results from this free app. So I decided to try and join in :smiley:

looks good man. i reckon you will like blender. once you get used to the interface you can accomplish things in blender very quickly that would take much longer in other apps. cool head.


What tutorial were you refering to and where can I find it?

I saw a tutorial for making a good animatable face here

Also any good face modeling tutorials? (to achieve results like you have there or to get the skills to get what you got)

Thanks for the encouragement :slight_smile: The techique I used for this head was basically poly by poly. I started with a plane in the centre of the lower eyelid. I matched the verts in the side view. Then extruded each side of the plane out a couple of the times to the edges of the eye and matched them up in the side view. Same for lips, did the nose in a similar fashion and jaw, then extruded sets of edges to fill in the gaps and added more detail where needed. This tutorial

seems to be much better and easier. I’m going to give this one a go so I can animate the face more easily (this one I just did is a bit messy as I was getting used to the UI).