My first Car


This is the first car i made in blender :slight_smile:
I’d done it in 2 hours.

Cool! Looks quite origional. The door handle might be placed a bit more to the back, or it is some new-styled door.
Two hours ey, that’s really fast! Well done.

whoa…first car…2 hours…thats a lie…:eek:…
nice work…4 stars…

Wow! 2 hours!? Your really fast! If I could model like that, it’ld still take me days to complete!

You should maybe try texturing it now!

Keep up the great work

Yeah. The dimensions (mainly front to back) are a littly cartoony and short, but thats damn good for two hours and “i’ve never done a car” :P.

First car is finished, here is my second one. I dont think its required to create a new thread because its still just for training.

ooo nice texturing…

very nice work i’ve liked it.
only two hours is a great work