Okay, so I’ve been working on this for quite sometime now, and I wanted to get some advice on ways it could be improved. Although, I am really limited on want I can do, since my computer is very slow with Blender… So, this does have to stay as low-poly as possible, since I do plan on animating with it. I look forward to your critique!!
So the UV mapping could use a bit more work. But if your PC is slow, you might want to find a way to render it. If you have a graphics card or a built in graphic chip, try rendering off of that. That or you can upgrade your ram or Processor.
Yeah, UV mapping is something I’m terrible with… But, exactly where does it need more work? Or, just all of it in general? I’m afraid I don’t… Mine isn’t supported, and I really can’t afford any kind of upgrade, so, I’m stuck with this for now… But, thanks for your feedback!
It’s difficult to critique a mesh with out seeing the actual mesh. That said, you seem to have some decent deformations of your arms, so if that is from an armature pose, then it’s good. The UVs do need a bit of work to straighten out the direction of the fur on the tail and arms (fur should probably run lengthwise, especially on the tail.)
If the character has the look you are going for, the only reason to tweak the mesh would be to fix poor deformations when the limbs are moved to extreme positions. Show some wires (screenshot with the mesh in edit mode, vertex or edge select mode) for some comments on topology for animation.
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Sorry about that… But, hows this? Sorry if it’s a little too zoomed out, I’m not sure if there’s a certain way to do this… Oh, yep, that is an armature pose! And, working on the UVs as we speak! Just slowly…
Well, pretty much, yes. I like the look for the most part. And I guess I really want to tweak the deformations…I guess it wasn’t the best idea to leave out the wireframes, then…
Thank you! I’m happy to be here!
Body topology looks ok. You might have some problems with pinching if he raises his arm up too high or lowers it too much. Shoulders are typically difficult situations, so study shape keys if you want him playing basketball or doing pull ups. Similarly, he will have difficulty doing full squats with pinching around his hips. Can’t tell about the face, but you do have separate eyebrows. You can do a LOT of expressions with just eyebrows. So that should work for you. A lot of expressive face animation is done with shape keys.
About the screenshots. You have some separate objects obscuring parts of the mesh. You can put them on another layer (layers are very handy, so learn to work with them) or you can put your mesh into “local” view by pressing the numpad / key. (the / key will toggle in and out of local view). You are in face select mode, so each face has that square dot in the middle of it. Makes it harder to read the mesh. Change to vertex or edge select mode for these shots.
About UV editing. You can add seams to separate parts of the mesh in the UV editor. You might try putting seams around his shoulders. You can work on parts of the UV by selecting (in the 3d Viewport) only part of the mesh. Just those faces will show up in the UV editor. You can select, grab and move, rotate and scale stuff in the UV editor the same way you do in the 3D viewport. This comes in handy for changing the scale and direction of the patterns of the UV image as they show up on the model. Finally, you can Pin vertices in the UV editor, so once you have something the way you want it, you can work on other things without disturbing the pinned vertices.
Thank you for all you advice! But, is there anyway to help pinching, like should I add more edge loops, remove some, or just rearrange them? Hm, should I get a better shot of the face then? Oh, I know! Eyebrows seem to completely change expressions!
Ah, I’ll make sure to remove those from the screenshots next time, 'cause I wasn’t too sure this time, since there wasn’t much underneath. Duly noted!
I’ll make sure to get to work on the UVs right away, thank you for the information!