My first finished post (or 'more demned spheres')

Edit animations are finally hosted. Check bottom for links /edit

Been playing around with animating things parented to each other, path animation, and the like.

Still not completly happy with it. Can’t work out how to make an object following a beizier curve start again once it finishes, and the planet has a strange rotation glitch once every five seconds or so.

Dunno how long the animation link will work… It’s being hosted on the site, and the last time I hosted something here it died in about half a day.

Anyone know anywhere that hosts 1-2 mb files?

Eck. I’m going to have to start previewing my posts. Apparently I can’t attach an avi file here. Anyone know where I can? This thread is kinda pointless without it…

welcome Lurchisme, your picture is too dark,so try first to lighten it more and do the post again.
hosting solutionfor videos: try this

good luck.

Or don’t use it. By uploading to putfile you give up your rights to the image and or video to the website. There are better sites to use to, but I don’t really know what the best is.

and ur picture is too dark to, as mentioned before.

You can use Google Video.

That’s what I use. It still works great. You don’t get ripped off (as far as I know). It’s free. You have to sign up, though.

Thanks guys. I should be able to upload the animation some time tomorrow (Hopefully).

Though the movies pretty dark too. Might have to up the energy on the ‘sun’, and animate it again.

definitely read that…

can’t really tell but it looks better than the average reflective sphere :wink:
render it bigger and with brighter lighting.

Finally got the videos hosted.

Click here to watch Planet-Fly-By

It’s not the best site to view them from. Planet-fly-by is in 1024 by 768, and putfile reduces it, which kinda sucks. I tried the google thing and it needed me to download a google-uploader, and I only have access to the internet through internet cafes, so that’s not viable.

Anyways, the problems I mentioned are better illistrated (spelling?) or animated by the Avi below.

Click here to watch Problems20

And their still too dark.