My first FPS try on blender

I think He was asking about the “damage” texture that appears when the player is shot to slowly fade away. Am I right?

Yes this was what I meant, but I finally got it go.
If anyone is interestet I will post the webside where I learnt how tio do this.

Finally a small vid!
Look at the hitmarker I made it with an trancparency animation.
Poorly some textures didnt work during recording but I have fixed it for the next time.

Today I started some modelling for my game.
Of course my favourite gun first :cool:
I try to keep it at low poly for my game (388 Vertices by now)
Guess what it will be…

I like the g36 but try beveling the edges more i know your trying to keep low poly but just a little to keep it from looking to flat. (by the way what i mean by bevel is round it out don’t actually add a bevel modifier to it)

Sorry I forgot to say that it isnt finished yet, of course I will make it more plastic!
And some things like the rails are missing too.

And one more mesh
(Also not finished yet)

And what is this going to be:p

I knew it wasn’t finished I was just saying try not to make it to flat even early I had some problems rounding out this particular gun after doing it like you did (ended up scraping that and began polygon modeling it instead of box modelling) especially because the front is hollow, this is because the gun is a free floating barrel design. Also I like the vehicle even if it isn’t finished.

Thanks, I will try to modell it this way and hope it will look good!

So I made some plasticy to my g36!

How many vertices is the finished G36? It looks great, as does the unfinished Jeep/Hum-v.

Thanks bro!
The g36c has 1254 vertices but isnt finished yet (some little things are missing like a part of the iron sight)
the Land rover (!!!) has I think something about 1000 vertices too.

So the g36c is finished with 1554 vertices!
Uploaded to BlendSwap if anyone is interested in…

Question again…
i have now exportet the g36 as obj to my game, but now in game engine most of the faces will be invisible:

trancparency and backface occulling are unchecked, so i really dont know how to do that.
Pls help!

Recalculating the normals should fix this; CTRL + N

Why are you exporting the object out as an .obj then importing it in again? Are you using an external game engine or the Blender Game Engine. You seem to be making some good progress with this. Have you managed to work your way through the logic aspect of the game?

Also cant wait to see the G36 textured. If you have battlefield 3, then have a look at the texture work on the G36 in that game. I am always impressed with the detail on the weapons in that game.

@agoose77: thanks it works!


No, i am doing everthing in Belnder, just in different bend files.
The logic…
…I have done a lot of lgic work, but everytime i have finished something, I think that could be better and i do it again!
but I think the most complicatet part is the logic work for the guns and that is neraly finished.

The G36C textured… I know it looks much better with textures, but I dont really know how to create the pictures for the texture.
The gloves where easy I just had to take to pics of a real glove, but the gun…I dont have one!

PS.: Just read at my g36c file on BlendSwap (its above the download button):
This blend is yours, we won’t count its bandwidth if you download it :slight_smile:


Without words:

I have never used blendswap, but I’m assuming that because you, Fluppi393, uploaded the file, then if you download it then it wont take away from your bandwidth allowance in your account. I dont even know if blendswap works like this, just taking a guess.

You mentioned that you feel like you could set the logic bricks up better each time you do them. Have you tried using python (sorry if this has been discussed earlier in the thread). I felt exactly like this when I was using logics, then I learned python and everything became much much easier to setup and work in a way that I was happy with. Just a thought.