Hi guys! After learning bunch of theory I decided to model something on my own. This a low-poly girl, with no textures and shadeless materials, because I haven’t got into that uv/normals/texturing chaos (that’s how it looks to me right now :P) yet.
Since I’m a total newbie, I have no idea whether the mesh is good/can it be improved, if my way of “drawing” eyes & lips by cutting edges is the good way or even if the shadeless meterials can be used in a cell-shading rendering which I aim for.
I think that’s awesome! I assume by your avatar image, you’ve got some art background. And it shows in this little character.
In this video, at about 10:00 he deals with simple shadeless shaders and freestyle. https://youtu.be/ZiqrCRqyLzE
If you intend to animate the character, you do really need to work on the face topolgy, but you’ve got the hard part figured out(how to layout decent proportions in 3D space) Dig into theory on 3D topology, and keep at it.
You’ve got a good start.
EDIT: After posting this I clicked around a bit, and found your artstation… https://anako.artstation.com/
I’ve got no doubt you’ll be good at this!
Thank you very much for kind words! They really motivate me to work hard on my 3D skills! And huge thanks for the link to the tutorial, it looks like something I was looking for!
I agree with everything SkpFX said and just wanted to add that I think your prior experience in 2D art shows in this piece. There is character in her smile and pose. Congrats!