This is my first time posting, and my first project using blender (besides some simple projects like a table or a logo etc). Keep in mind I’m still pretty much a noob, and I would appreciate any constructive criticism. A couple of things I’m planning on adding are a muffler, the axles, and interior components (steering wheel and gauges etc.)
I rendered this with blender internal. I wanted to use yafray but i couldn’t get the windshield to render transparent. If anyone knows how to allow yafray to render transparent materials any help would be much appreciated!
First of all welcome to Blender and BlenderArtists.
That is most impressive for an early project. Adjust your spec values on the green material to make it look a little more like metal. Add some details like you said and we can crit further.
Stick around, it looks like you know how to model.
Looks extremely nice! As Guitar said, the materials could use some work, as the default makes everything look sort of like plastic. has a few interesting materials that you might find useful to experiment with.
what ?? your fist model then im impressed …you made the stars as texture or cuted mesh ?
Thanks for the support and criticism guys it means alot to me. I have adjusted the specularity as Guitar recommended, and i’m trying to play with the material to make it look more like steel. The stars and letters are just flat meshes, most made from a plane. I will post some updates as i add more to it.
ok now add AO to it and a ground plane some spot lights and a way you go ;]
Great first model! AO required, I agree!
Hey, looks like you’re using a low-poly model with set-smooth on. You might want to try using subsurf on it to give the form a little more clarity. If it makes the shape too muddy and soft, you could always add extra edge-loops or using ‘crease’ the edges [shift+e]. Anyway, looking good so far, and ‘what they said’ about the materials.
Sorry this is probably a noob question but what is AO?
For info on what the AO (ambient occlusion) button actually does, here.
Very nice dude!!!
It’s really your first work??? just kidding…very impressive…:yes:
thanks for the info on AO i will give it a try.