My first post of my work.

Here is a small selection of my basic works, done in Gimp. I left Blender alone for the past 6 months as I was getting frustrated, so the Gimp was my next ‘project’.

I think my work is really poor in comparison to others, but I’m still learning. Any tips would be appreciated.

I’ve got other works posted on my freewebs site here:

Like I said, any help, critics, slaggings or even praise will be appreciated.



i like the first one a lot! looks pretty cool like drops landing in water.

Thanks very much!!!

I’ve seen a few planet pics posted here recently so heres one of my attempts at producing a space scene. I applied too much effect but I left it anyway, it seems kinda weird.


that’s pretty cool! if you could get effects like that in blender, that’d be really sick!!