My first processing sketches.

I am learning processing,

This is one of m first sketches, i will post some more soon.

If you click on the sketch window and then press space bar , it redraws the background ;D :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p


Given your areas of experience and expertise, I easily see you becoming a processing Jedi master.

Thanx man ! I hope i become one processing Jedi master, you can make some really cool stuff, and its not so difficult, i encourage you to play with it, if you are interested i can pass you some good tutorials ;D

Very cool and fun to watch :slight_smile:

I’ve just started learning Processing and it seems to be pretty cool. Would you be able to point me to/recommend some good tutorials?