My first render, using good ol' blender.

It’s appropriately named “torch on a table” as that is exactly what it is.

It didn’t take long to make, and it’s very simple but please share any comments, suggestions, or encouragement :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


wow plywood held up by pipes! thanks for the idea for my new dining room table! (very nice flashlight)

Thanks. :stuck_out_tongue: I know the table looks poor. I’m really bad with materials so I’ll work on that.

Would anyone else care to share any comments, suggestions, or encouragement ? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:



Seperate the edges of the table and apply a different texture to them, should look better. :smiley:

Thanks for the tip :slight_smile: I’ve been waiting for some response :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll try find some textures on google. While I’m on the subject, does anyone know where to get a selection of textures in a package?



heh, even better, TRY TO MAKE EM YERSELF :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the link. :slight_smile:

lol its the first hit on google when u search for textures /lol

LOL. I would have probably searched for it eventually. I hadn’t started to look yet because I haven’t yet used images as textures. Thanks again :wink:

Anyone else to share their comments/suggestions? Please? :stuck_out_tongue:

The spotblend should be lower, the edges should be sharper. Maybe you can use a texture op your spot to recreate the inner reflections of tge flashlight. I hope you understand what i’m saying with inner reflections, its the reflective bit behind the lamp in the flashlight that bounces the light forward. The light on the wall seams a bit to clean.

I hope this helps,

I see what you mean. Thanks for the advice. :slight_smile: