It’s appropriately named “torch on a table” as that is exactly what it is.
It didn’t take long to make, and it’s very simple but please share any comments, suggestions, or encouragement
Thanks for reading
It’s appropriately named “torch on a table” as that is exactly what it is.
It didn’t take long to make, and it’s very simple but please share any comments, suggestions, or encouragement
Thanks for reading
wow plywood held up by pipes! thanks for the idea for my new dining room table! (very nice flashlight)
Thanks. I know the table looks poor. I’m really bad with materials so I’ll work on that.
Would anyone else care to share any comments, suggestions, or encouragement ?
Seperate the edges of the table and apply a different texture to them, should look better.
Thanks for the tip I’ve been waiting for some response
I’ll try find some textures on google. While I’m on the subject, does anyone know where to get a selection of textures in a package?
Thanks for the link.
lol its the first hit on google when u search for textures /lol
LOL. I would have probably searched for it eventually. I hadn’t started to look yet because I haven’t yet used images as textures. Thanks again
Anyone else to share their comments/suggestions? Please?
The spotblend should be lower, the edges should be sharper. Maybe you can use a texture op your spot to recreate the inner reflections of tge flashlight. I hope you understand what i’m saying with inner reflections, its the reflective bit behind the lamp in the flashlight that bounces the light forward. The light on the wall seams a bit to clean.
I hope this helps,
I see what you mean. Thanks for the advice.