Hey :D.
Recently I have started my first rpg game. Im hoping that the finished game will be like the series “The elder scrolls” . I have started the part of the town where the main character lives and I have just finished the Intereior off his house. I have A few screen shots here, please tell me what you think, and what needs improving.
Thanks for the replies :D. Blenderizer: I dont think that my game will be finish any time soon since its just me working on it. But if anyone would like to help me in this game, they are welcome. I need: Textures: someone who can maybe make some good textures, like for NPCs ( faces ), and ( I hope so ) some sort of mount, which the player can ride, but I may not have that. Scripting: Someone who can hopefully help in the more complacated things in the game, like: a trade systom, enemy ai ect. Demo: I think I will put a demo off my game once I have finished the first area. Mmph: I just noticed the problem with the roof and have fixed it.
I will put some more pics when I have done more.
By the screenshots i get some flashbacks of Daggerfall!
Its kind of a big task making a game of the scope like one of the elder scrolls series, but with some pacience everything is possible, so go for it! I as a BIG elder scrolls fan will watch over this project!
Some advice : make it simple at first. finish one area with everything on it like fight system, some A.I, enemies, and the trade system. Then everything will become easier when you copy the scenes, so you will have to change only the map (areas).
ok, i am not really familiar with the game engine and stuff ut here is some low poly general things that you can use in your game that i created (use them as you like!) http://uploader.polorix.net//files/871/blender folder/low%20poly%20fantasy%20rpg%20stuff.blend folder/low%20poly%20fantasy%20rpg%20stuff.blend
gg7: I know that its is quite a big goal to try and recreate such a good game like the elder scrolls, but I think I may be able to achieve it with some learning.
Red Hand : The problem with the tree was that it did not turn back to a 2d one when you got far away, I have fixed that.
iliketosa… : Thanks I will take a look at that once I have posted this.
Turin: Yes it is a plane that comes out of the objects, it is set to add and its vertcol is black. There is a layer off seethough grass above the normal grass, to make it look like theres grass there… The shadow is inbetwen the two layers so I think that makes the shadow transparent. But I may not have the shadows because when I turn it to an exe the shadows go grey. Does that make sense?
oooo, elder scrolls is a tall order. if you can pull that off ill,… do somthing cool. yes but be patient, take it step by step and you might be able to pull somthing off.
okay, the sky is ugly, use this skybox instead, i dont need it no more.
and the grass is too bright, try the one im giving you.
(ps you dont have to credit me if you use them.)
Hey again :D. Iliketosayblah: Sorry but those models are to high poly, it would slow the game down alot. NJROTC: I used those pics and it looks a ton better, but the grass tiles a bit. Heres a pic:
Turin: Those models are great, but they not to high poly are they?
One thing, you need to get rid of the white around the leaves in your trees
to get rid of this, you need to make the alpha channel either a dark blue,green or black.
in gimp make a new image with a transparent background, flood fill the dark color, press control A to select all, and then control X to cut it out, now copy and paste your alpha masked tree over to the new texture and paste it, the alpha should now be black.
You should not get the “haloing” effect now.
If the original photo was cut out incorectly and there is some white left over from that, you can use the color select tool in gimp to select the white bits, and floodfill in some green noise.
Hey :D.
Thanks for all the feedback. Shadowbane: Yeah I agree with you the white around the leaves wasnt good. Mmph: I followed what you said and the white around the leaves is gone. I think it looks a ton better now. Here is a pic: