My first work

Well i downloaded blender last week and finally had some time to mess with it, and i do mean mess, but after doing the castle tutorial i decided to give my own castle a try. I had to bring the image down to 800x600 to upload it to I know ive got alot to learn so i think i will do some tutorials before venturing off on another project but any input is welcome as long as people understand this is my second day using any 3d program and dont get harsh on me.

btw thanks to brendan_orr in #blender for answering my questions about getting around in blender.


Very nice first start! I would suggest bringing down the spec a little and maybe add a bumpmap :slight_smile:


Howdy. That looks pretty darn good for a first. In fact it just looks pretty darn good. Judging from the jagged edge on the flags though, you need to hit the ‘OSA’ button. This will smooth off the pixelated look. Well done, and welcome to the forum.

Well i found the OSA , never knew i had that option, also i lowered the spec, but i think i like the look of the first one with the higher spec better even though i know it doesnt look realistic, almost like wet stone but i like the look. At any rate thanks for the replies, i just learned 2 more things which im sure are going to be very beneficial.

New pic with lowered spec and that cool OSA button in use

Ahhh…it brings back memories of the Welsch coastline…

I think your modeling is pretty cool. Have you turned on “Nor” for the texture? That’d make it “pop” a bit. Good luck with your future works! Your first is pretty darn good!

Nice first work there, personally I also like the first one better, probably because there is more in the way of contrast. Maybe you should try playing with the lighting, maybe a few more (of diffrent types) or maybe simplying making the light a bit brighter.
Oh and welcome to blender, elysiun, and all that fun stuff :smiley: :smiley:

Wow! Good stuff! I have to continue the motion for the first pic. Maybe just the first pic with OSA.

great start in blender :D…keep up the good work…looking forward to see more in time

Awesome! Finally, someone else who might do things in an image just because it looks cool. Very cool image man, keep it up and youll be a blender god in no time.

cool man, hit the NOR button, it should work well with the texture you have now, and the results are very good :smiley:

I want to see a mote! What kind of castle doesn’t have a mote? An unsafe castle, that’s what kind. Seriously, I have to say that the castle looks good. Just keep up the good work and do some more tutorials.

Hey, nice castle! :slight_smile:
The door looks a little small, or mibby its just a massive castle, i donno.

Cool render for a first timer. I can remember that I had use a tutorial on the old blender webiste, ‘how to build a castle’. That was my very first intro to model something. And now I see somebody else do the same as I did 3 years ago. :stuck_out_tongue: Keep blending dude. :smiley:

The door looks a little small, or mibby its just a massive castle, i donno.

Yes it is “supposed” to be a massive castle, indicated by the small entrance, i suppose if i was better i would have other indicators as well.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and the tips. I am off to do a tutorial but looking at other peoples nice work makes me wanna jump right in and create…

i liek it alot, much better than i could do my first week, more lights would be nice, and diff camera and background.