My Game Windows Demo

I figured i better release it before i break it trying to do stuff. So here it is, controls are ease just click on the windows and drag them around to move them (if the window hasn’t been clicked on yet it will overlap and display wrong if there is another window over it cause it hasn’t been added to the window layers) the window you click on gets pushed to the top. Buttons and stuff are all working you should be able to figure out how to use them yourself. the little button on the title bar next to the close button shades the window (hides all but the title bar) i was gonna make it have a smooth roll up animation but a blender bug stopped me and i was too lazy to find a way around it so it just disappears.
The whitish bar on the left is a window dock just drag the windows onto it to dock them and drag them back off of it to undock it. This probably has a few bugs but i havnt found any yet. And the code isnt really that complicated whant you look at it.

I think thats about all. and tell me what you think.

Heres some screenshots and movies sorted from oldest to newest.

And the .blend 1,364kb

and ya… i think thats it

Very good ! Rate this by 7\10.

Nice! it is pretty low res. though, the text is sorta Jpeggy looking. Nice Though!

Very nice,

The code doesn’t look overly complicated (to my great delight), however it will take some time to figure out what’s where, and what’s doing what.

At first glance I got stuck looking for the object that hosts the “dockable” prop.

Even though the whole thing is relativelly un-complex (I couldn’t call it simple), it’s bound to get very, very complex when you get all the toggles and sliders to actually perform certain actions.

I think you’ll be looking at something along the lines of what ST100 had with his menu sys.

Anyway, this is really great work, and I appreciate you sharing it with us.


:smiley: Wow, very nice.

Lol, I saw it in the other thread in the morning, hehe and I checked back and it was gone. Tried it out and the functionality was great. The docking windows really got me. You got pretty carried away with this menu system. Heh, so much cool things. Great work.

Wow, I’m glad you posted it again.

Jason Lin

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Very shaggadelic = ) Are you going to use these menu’s in a game or is this just a small menu example?

Either way, nice work!

Pacman: thanks

tarkata14: the menu looks alright when it is full screen

Social: the code isnt really that complicated and about making the buttons and stuff do stuff… ya probably bnut it shouldnt be that complex… just kinda and what are you talking about st100 menu system?

goldentaji: thanks i’m glad you like it. and i guess i did get carried away a little but not that much… i still wanna add some more stuff

Ven0mSevenX: i think im gonna use this in a game… atleast not right now so its just a little demo

and did anyone fid any bugs?
and the code is pretty well commented so it should be pretty easy to figure out what stuff does… atleast it way more commented than most of my stuff

The code is not the issue (it’s very clear), it’s the setup that takes time to figure out. Like where (on which objects) can you find the logic bricks and props that are used in the script. (For example: I’m still looking for where the “dockable” prop resides)

I wish the BGE had a “brick/prop to object” mapping visualization tool, so that all of that stuff can be found faster.

Oh sorry, I meant “ST150” my mistake.

I was just saying that if you do decide to tie actual game functions to this window system, you might get a similar level of complexity as in his menu sys.

I’m pretty sure you know who ST150 is, but if not: he’s part of Cognative (I think) formerly “Black Hole Productions”, the guys who made “Transcendent” (I think that’s how you spell it).

On a side note, he also (recently) integrated his menu system with my fps template:

Worked out quite well.

Just learn Win32 programming lol.

Pretty cool anyhow.

there is nothing wrong with the text res imo, its very clear and user friendly

Social: ahh ya that guy i saw that menu thing i’m gonna download it and look see whats what

Microwave: ya but can you use that in the GE?

MagicMyshu: thanks

and the dockable thing is a little thin object on the left side right under the white bar
and is there any suggestions on what to add to it next? i might not add them but suggestions are nice

Edit: i looked at st150’s menu system and it looks nice… really nice
and then i looked at the code and stuff and he coulda optimized it alot more… made it way smaller
but. he actually made it and it works and released the .blend and i didnt so i cant complain… since i didnt volenteer to do it myself