My island has holes! Hlp :D


Okay, so, every one want a private island…so, make one with Blender. I did. Took one plane, shaped it, textured it with grass. Wanted mountains, took annother plane - in annother scene - shaped it and textured it with stone. Made it “poke” tru the firts one. The renederd result is a grassy landscape with some mountains poking tru. When I want to “explore” (game engine) but I “fall” tru the grass, onto the plane where the mountains are, very…not what I need.

Any help? Hints?

I AM a beginner, so, I need to begin somewhere.

Blend file available…

Tnx for the info

BTW - sorry if I (inavertantly) hit a signpost somewhere :smiley:


island02.blend (175 KB)

Your island isn’t the problem. The problem depends on the motion actuator. You use “Loc” for the movement. Loc let the object jump (set) to the position, so the object can go through walls (mountains, hills). You should use instade Force, LinV or the servo motion.
All of them use the object physic and so a object collision would be calculated.
Here is a link with some tutorials