(Sighs) Well guys, I’m 26, going to be 27 this year, still live with my parents (because of bad economic times), no girlfriend, no prospective gf’s in sight, very few real life friends here where I live. Now I come home after watching a movie and find out, my grandma and her husband are moving in with us. My Life Is Over… :(:(
You’ve still got us here at BlenderArtists!
Atleast you don’t live in some hut in northern Svalbard.
can’t help you. but, there is a saying that’s used in a favorite animated movie of mine: keep moving forward:).
as long as you face is like this
you wont get any
isn’t it supposed to be fun when there are more family members?
i wish i could live with my parents but i work in another city
well dont u teach. Blends is getting more popular. The art teachers in my school read photosior for dummies.
Wish I could teach CG, I’m a terrible teacher though.
Your life is just beginning. I would love to be 26-27 again and not make the same mistakes I made at that age. But then again, to really live life, i think that starts in your late-30s or early-40s.
Well, then don’t let the doorknob get’cha where the good Lord split’ya.
Thats what happens when you bury your head in the Bible too much.
Come to live in India. If no money, become a hermit and live like God. If you have money live like kings.
You can get one time meal on the roadside with Rs.10 (Rs.46= 1 US $)
One meal on road side= 4 Puri 2 cooked Vegatable and Curd also
Oh that is so tempting, I love the Indian culture, language, music, women :eyebrowlift:, food, clothing, people. I would love to live in India, not sure what I’d do for a job though, what do white people, or foreigners do over there?
My advice: save your money to buy a house. Get a good education.
wait… so that means that the more people are joining you in my closet? (see jackblack’s location)
You could always go live in Amsterdam near the Blender Institute. Take part in the next open movie.
Maybe its time to take control of life? Instead of letting it control you. Its something I see way too many people doing, even myself a few years ago. Im trying to get my gf to do the same, shes letting life control her at the moment, and tends to blame problems on everything and anything, instead of taking responsibility and dealing with things herself.
Get out there, get a job somewhere (even if its just washing dishes in some pub), move into a new place of your own (not necessarily buy an entire house, something affordable), maybe even aim to join a local club which has similar interests to your own, study something? Youll soon find that meeting new people is a lot easier, it can happen very naturally and youll look back and wonder why you took so long to get it all together.
Obviously, if you dont go out much, live with your parents and dont work at all, your chances of socializing and meeting new people are reduced by an extreme amount.
In saying that, Im by no means saying anything listed above will be easy or simple. You dont get something for nothing, hard work is the only way to get anywhere.
Oh I work, and I work hard, sometimes I get to sit around at work and watch tv, I move, build, sell furniture for a living. I love how flexible my job is and how easy going my boss is. Some days I come home all cut up from moving fridges and washing machines, I come home with my back out of whack sometimes too. Trust me, I’m no stranger to hard work, I actually like doing hard work, but my job does’nt hardly pay me enough to live at all considering I have a bunch of bills too.
That was completely unnecessary.
and I’m sure that in itself is it’s own challenge…how do you find work if you are at work all the time?..it can be difficult to get out of those ruts…I live in the same house as my wifes parents…of course they are old enough to need us there, I am married with child…so in a way for me it all works out…it’s not so bad living with family. there was a time when I hated it now…it’s just the way it is…I’ve grown accustom to it…hmmm sounds like a real problem actually…oh well…my son is happy.
BTW: don’t push so hard or worry about stuff…things in life have a way of just working themselves out.
My advice is to study in the afternoons, and maybe ask your boss to give you either more money, or less hours.
If you ask for a raise in your pay, you might get it. If you don’t ask then what are the chances then?
If yuo go to a study centre, you will meet new people, who are studying the same things as you, and that is a common interest. Access to a larger friend group right there, along with study to help you later on.
Advice on a girlfriend? Again, from studying you may actually meet someone. Although, make sure that before you do, you have enough money to pay for it ;). Girlfriends are expensive.
All this being said, If you can’t get a raise from your job, and it often puts you in pain. Then look around for a different job. As far as I’m concerned a job that physically hurts you isn’t worth it. My dad started as a builder, and he regrets that decision every day. He always tells me…
“Work with your mind, not your hands. That is how things work these days, but some people make bad choices and go into physical labour and I feel sorry for them, because I did the same. I don’t want you doing that, because I know how much you will regret it later.”
My rendition of this is, do your best to find a job that doesn’t hurt you. It might push you hard, with tight deadlines, shitty customers, all that other stuff. But if you don’t come home with a backache and need to take 2 panadol and just go to sleep every day. Then life will improve.