Its a good start. I remember my first renders were really horrible, yours are really better compared to mine.
A few critics:
I think that you should make the scene more bright. The edited version is really better but I think its still too dark.
I think that the sofas need more details to make them more realistic. The furniture to the right is nice. It being textured and receiving a bit more light really helps to add more realism.
Try this tutorial from Andrew price, and check the others he made. It will help you master quite some new techniques.
And do not get discourage if your works at first to not get a lot of critics or even none at all. Its takes time to get known, and it takes even more time to get good in 3D. Also not receiving critics is a trial in itself as it will test you to see how strong your will is to get better and continue.
Ty for all your critics , i will try to take in consideration all, and update a new render when i think i have do a good job(sorry for my english i’m a french guy)
Take your time and learn take a look at what other do and always try make new scenes.
( Je parle aussi le francais. Cela te prendras un peu de temp mais si tu lache pas suis sure que tu vas progressser. Meme si j’ecris le francias je sais c tres mauvais). Bon courage.