I like it. Very stylistic and a good mood.
The skin texture is very good. There is some streching over the brow, but not too bad.
That’s freaking cool
The ears could use a lot more definition
and the lips could be worked on a little more
Very dark… 8)
Great work
Did you use the python script for the head, or is it all yours? Really cool looking. I like the black and white format!!!
NDNChief, Forum Regular>>>>>>
I used script for first basic head, but this is modified by lattice…
Is it a self-portrait??? (Joke) it is very cool.
could anyone give me that script??
I’d like to have it cause I wanna learn to model high-poly models better. Untill now I only made lowpoly stuff…
But I used lowpoly model & subdivide, subsurf, bump texture, and lattice…
this is a great pic…has a great photo style touch to it…and the veins on the skin are awesome
have u ever tried head modeling without the script though??
It would be much better if you didn’t model it in a toon-style. Anyway it is a great work! Keep up!
Yes, but when I use modeling without the script, my work is not very good…
That looks pretty good but, if you use that script you’re not gonna get any better at modeling
nice texture btw
Great style. I like the black and white style. The overall thing creates an
interesting mood or feel to the picture. Keep up the good work.
Very cool picture. How did you get the black and white look. By not putting colors or is there a black and white render option??
There is a Black and White render option-- the BW button in the Render buttons window. It renders in color on-screen but saves (F3) in black and white.
very chilling. nice
totally excellent!
very well done and so much emotion!