My new web site.

  • Hi, Welcome To My New Site.
  • Time to try out the new Google stuff.
  • So I have somewhere for my Blender stuff.
  • My previous sites, will not be maintained.
  • I will transfer some of the stuff here.
  • Either way there will be lot’s of Stuff!
  • The site is quite wide, I view it in 1366 x 768.
  • My resources have been moved here.

Any comments would be good.

Hey Brendon Murphy

That site is truly amazing and I am the 195th visitor there. Ofcourse from you, I would not expect any thing less. Keep up the brilliant work you have done for blender! (and merry christmas + happy new year)

I see you did some work-out there!
Some tweak; but its fine…

hi kbot,
Very kind words indeed, thanks very much.

(and merry christmas + happy new year)

to you also!

hi fahassani,
thanks for the reply.
There is still much to do on the site, some of the pages were directly copied from my old site.
So certainly there is some considerable tweaking to go.

Editing Google Sites can be a strange beast.
It tends to parse & change your html & write it’s own sometimes.
It is better than the old Google pages sites, much less limited.
My extensive use of tables is by design, as it is much easier to embed my own html inside the tables.
There’s much more to test, to see what else I can embed & improve.
Also i test the site in 3 Browsers.
Firefox, Internet Explorer & Google Chrome.
Interestingly the code was read correctly by Firefox.
For Internet explorer & Google Chrome all the image links had to be hand coded.

Thanks for looking.