Did some fixing, cat on lap, can’t write much…
Cat is gone, so I cleaned up the old (pale white) muscle showing in the groin and did a few new shoots. There are still bad deformities, but I need a far deeper muscle anatomy to tackle them, so yeah, it’s for version 7. The basics work, within limits, and I expect to do forearms and shins soon, maybe some work on the jaw. And maybe some better poses, but I think I need suggestions at this point…
Doing some simple skin experiments. Does anyone see either of these as more realistic looking than the other??
Still hoping someone, anyone, will comment on the skin, but for now, I’ll use the new one and convince myself it kinda works. Anyways, got the lower lip going. Facial updates may seem very minor, but they matter more than one thinks in the end…
I’ve been following these updates, since you asked for comment here’s mine- this looks really good, and I’m super impressed by your dedication. I hate the crotch, I know why you did it the way you did it but it’s in the uncanny valley for me
Thanks for the comment, it tends to feel empty in here when I’m the only one posting for long periods of time! The crotch is really annoying me, too, but it is not meant to be anatomically correct. I am thinking of maybe putting him in speedos or something, so it seems more natural. Any ideas are welcome! Also, I am trying to fine tune the skin, so anyone commenting on how that looks will make me grateful!
Got some more work done on the mouth. The uncanny valley is looming large, and most mouth stuff looks completely wrong if not from the exact optimum angle, but I am not sure how to fix it before the face is farther along, so for now…
Don’t worry I would think theres more of us, more lurking here, watching…
Ha, keep it up, Im watching…
I know, I see you in the bushes outside my window! Show yourselves
Did some more face work, but this is not going to be a fantastic face. I am going more for “looks human enough to not upset anyone on an existential level”. The muscle architecture is crude enough that shaping the final face around it has… issues. But it could be plenty worse!
Dear GOD do I vehemently hate the human forearms and wrists!!! All my muscle prep went right out the window when nothing worked, and after hours of trying to recoup my losses, I finally just added a support bone to handle the twisting. It looks awful, but functional. I hate it, but I need to cut my losses and steel my mind for how it will go down (in flames?) in version 7. For now, the forearm at least don’t bend in crazy ways. I can build on that. Maybe…
Going to find an innocent pillow to rage punish… ARGH!!!
I really should not be working more at this hour, but I just HAD to regain some sense of control over those #¤%#&%¤ wrists and forearms! I made some leeway, getting fair reults at up to 65 degrees of twist. I think this is all I can achieve under the current paradigm. I can live with that. Although somehow, the test poses keep looking sillier and sillier as I progress with the rig itself… Weird…
Although I am putting more focus on the overall movie work, I got the nose and knees done on version 6. It is clear that we are hitting the ceiling on what this version can provide, getting useful and workable results but moving slowly away from that uncanny valley that previously seemed to approach. I am okay with the results, though. It is a learning experience, but the results are not bad. Future versions will vindicate my sacrifices!
Entire leg complete, down to the tip of the toes! Feet are insanely complicated to get right, so for now, they are simply done to be workable, like the rest of the rig. They therefore bend a bit funny and have slightly odd shapes, but (with the exception of a few people out there) nobody really looks at feet. Also, yes, I need to study feet in greater detail to improve, which is beyond this version.
Speaking of versions, my current goal is that version 8 (not the next version, which is 7) must surpass the current Daz3D models in quality. Not amazing, but it gives me a goalpost to aim for. My faint hope is that around version 12, we will start to see some serious realism. But that’s the future. This is the here and now:
Starting to get the skull into place (I am DREADING doing the ears…) and got the outer part of the hands, i.e. not the palm, close to done, thumbs still pending. I am already starting to think of what to do in version 7, but for now… le tadaah!
Not gonna lie… The head is NOT looking good! The dead eyes might be because the muscles are not posed at the moment, I still need to do weights. But overall, the head has problems. I will see what I can get working just from adjustments, but this is clearly a part that needs some TLC in version 7. Right now, that gumby neck and dead eyes just creep me the hell out