comments and suggestions are very welcome.
wow, thats f*cking awesome! great!! :o :o :o :o
cu Henrik
Nice work on the keyboard. Looks very realistic. However, I think it looses something with the graininess in the image when mixed with the DOF. The DOF looks great and fits very nicely. The grain detracts from it however and just looses the background. Almost flattens it out.
Wow, very realistic!
that is very very nice…the keyboard looks realistic indeed, but the object in the bg need some more realness to them, i think its the grain =
this is a great peice, is this lightflows work? or blender with post processing?
very, very good!
i sure would like to see a wireframe, almost cant believe it’s a render!
and if a render it cant be a blender render because of the keys reflecting in the keyboard.
so… with what did you render this? and how long did it take?
WOWEE great… I’ve always had a thing fro grainy pics! love it!
Hey DotBlend,
I don’t think that’s a reflection of the keys, I think instead it is the shadow cast from a spotlight. So this ‘could’ still be rendered only in blender with some grain added in photoshop or something…
is this lightflows work? or blender with post processing?
Blender + postprocessing. Used the postprocessing to add grain, and to make the pic monochrome.
with what did you render this? and how long did it take?
See above and it took about a night to render (many poly’s + mblur @ 16 for DOF + OSA @ 16 + fake GI (icosphere subd level 3))
Here’s the render without making it monochrome in photoshop + a wireframe (not very clear)
nice work!!! 8)
wow :o , very nice work! Only one thing’s missing: where’s the tower??
Nice work !! .
Looks amazing, I like noise very much, I should use something with the words ‘noise’ in my signature… I’ll send you something you might like to try.
Very very nice work!
I think the grainess adds a lot to the quality of the picture. I also like a lot the idea of a sepia monocromatic image.