Hi, I’ve started this today.
This is just a base mesh for the sculpt mode
Hi, I’ve started this today.
This is just a base mesh for the sculpt mode
Sorry for the double post
Little Update
Looks great already.
I love Jurassic Park… and sculpt mode for that matter. Will have to keep an eye on this thread. Keep it up!
Nice. I’ve also made a Raptor that you can see in my issue thread in the Modeling section. This one vertainly looks good, can’t wait to try it myself too.
I think your geometry will be more animation friendly if you had a single edge wrapping around the lower jaw instead of having a new row of quads for the front (talking about that small section that makes up the end of the botton of the mouth area)
Also, this model will just be begging for sculpt mode when you complete the base model.
This area is already corrected, I’ve noticed this yesterday.
S-Slash can you post a link to your raptor, I would like to see it.
Thanks for your reply Blackboe
BenDansie, I keep my dvd player open with Jurassic Park to have a good ref of the t-rex
nice start…
I too modeled a Trex at one point
Look promising keep going
lol nice one Calvin and thanks OneMan
here’s an update, simply a base of the body, nothing really great, no tweaking.
edit: Well, if I close that hole it can be a sea monster…
Looking very very promising! How is it coming along?
Those fingers look a bit too thick, and also seem too different from each other.
Keep going!
Thanks a lot, do you mean different fingers in the same leg or different fingers from a leg to another? And sorry If I don’t have an update, I’m sick (Crazy Quebec Winters).
Hey… My first post!
Looking good, im new to blender so it`s very promesing to see blender have great potensial as seen in your work. Are you using a refrence pic or modell? can we se it? im impressed by your low levels of polys, making the modell less complex and probably easyer to modell with. Another tric i need to learn. I looking forward to see this raptor complete
(winter is nasty here in norway to)
This is a raptor? I thought it was a tyrannosaurus rex.
EDIT: On a side note, over here in Canada we’re getting a vicious storm, it’s supposed to last a few days. Nothing but straight wind and driving snow.
Lookin Good!!! bad storm, eh? plenty o time to model then, eh? As long as you don’t lose power, eh? but then, maybe you have a UPS, eh?
Hello Marsan, welcome to BA. No I’m not using any reference pic or model, I use a movie for ref. I let my dvd player open with Jurassic Park when I’m modelling. Ho and It’s not a Raptor
Blackboe: (40 cm of snow today… 16 inches lol)
Yeah Rogerwickes, probably a good to model since i’m not sick anymore :yes:.
Wickes: I can tell old, bad, stale Canada jokes when I hear them.
Oh, by the way, how’s it down in atlanta? Do you live on Peachtree Circle, Peachtree Place, Peachtree Lane, Peachtree Road, Peachtree Parkway, Peachtree Run, Peachtree Terrace, Peachtree Avenue, Peachtree Commons, Peachtree Battle, Peachtree Corners, New Peachtree, Old Peachtree, West Peachtree, Peachtree-Dunwoody, Peachtree-Chamblee, or Peachtree Industrial Boulevard? Also, had enough sweet tea recently?
Also, Linart: I got to wade through wind and 3-foot hip drifts to shovel out a door today. I’d say we’re about pretty evenly matched.
sorry for calling your pet a raptor. Trex of course as the topic says!
In the same leg.
Looking forward to next update!
Fingers too thick, and there is a strange bump on the top of it’s head, between eyes, it should be sinking in, not bumping up.