My physics tab is strange and has no cloth physics options

I’m fairly certain I’m just doing something very stupid here, but my physics tab is different from how I remember it, and I can’t find the cloth physics options anywhere.
I have my cloth modifier in the stack, like I’m supposed to.

Here’s a screenshot:

(I found a closed thread on the subject, but there was no answer: )

Cloth physics is not part of the game engine. You need to be using the Blender Render or Cycles Render to see the cloth settings.

you use soft body sim in bge for cloth and use rbj to pin it I think*

yes, you use a subdivided object (eg: a plane), put Soft Body Physics, and use a Rigid Body Joint constraint to pin it to your chatacter, or wherever you want to pin it. Here’s a good tutorial on how to use it:

Or you just switch to Blender or Cycles Render and you find your cloths button.