My Pink Girl

After seeing Duoas’ rendition of my pink girl doodle I decided to attempt to make my own. Here is a little comparison between what I currently have and the original drawing:

Current 3D Mesh:

Original Drawing:

There’s still a little ways to go, but I’m happy about how it’s coming along. What do you think?

Your main problem is in the picture she’s kinda smiling.

Hey you! Gimme a chance, will ya? :smiley:

It is interesting that you chose to model the eyes and mouth in…
There’s something about the brow and orbitals that seem off to me… (hence the reason I plan to decal the eyes and mouth on…)

BTW, how did you rig those legs? Bendy-bones? I’ve just got a four-bone IK chain in there…


Sorry about starting my own. I debated whether I should wait to reveal it or to show it now.

I think the problem with the brow and around the eyes may be partly because her eyes are spaced so far apart – the sloped sides of the nose cannot flow nicely into the corner of the eye. There could be some work done to make it better looking. In some ways a simpler smooth ovoid head may be more appealing.

I actually didn’t rig anything. I just quickly moved the vertices around to make the pose. I might get around to rigging it after she’s completed. I just wanted to quickly see her in a pose.

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Yeesh, don’t apologize.

Your observations about the smoothness of the head are exactly what struck me. It is very difficult to get a good face in an egg without winding-up with a humpty-dumpty effect: (I like this one best --but it is the most cartoony)

I’ve learned that it is very difficult to rig something you’ve modeled in-pose. It is always better to model in the base (neutral) pose then rig, even if your armature is a throwaway for the purposes of a simple test picture. Once you start moving vertices around it is near impossible to get them back to where they belong…

I think you need to darken and thicken those eyelashes quite a bit.

Your going to think I’m weird for saying this, but it reminds me of katt.
Yeah, I know, weird.

I wasn’t modeling her in a pose. I saved her in a neutral pose and then quickly posed her. Yeah, rigging an already posed model wouldn’t be as fun, I suppose. :rolleyes:

She doesn’t have eyelashes yet, but after taking a little break I had started to work on her hair.

Who’s Katt?

Oh come on surely you know who katt is.
She’s been around for a while bro.
She’s a forum member.

Ah, wisdom.

Katt is a regular blenderhead on this forum. One of the few female members unafraid to talk to us boys. – Are you saying my head looks like a football?

[edit]ah, beat by JackBlack.
I must be imagining the eyelashes in the top image you’ve got there…[/edit]

Oh. I was thinking Katt was some cartoon character. I hate to say this, but even though I’ve been here for a while I don’t really know too many people on this forum. I guess I should start paying closer attention – though I have the same problem when reading novels though. I always get confused as to who’s who when all I really have to go by is a name.

No her head is not shaped like a football (I don’t understand why you had to seperate her head from her body though), but for some reason, not sure why, it just makes me think about Katt, The Pink Girl and Katt have nothing in common, maybe that’s what it is, two complete opposites. Really, I have no idea.


Still to do:

  • Eyelashes and eyebrows
  • Hair things
  • Blush
  • Body (hidden under dress)
  • Teeth and inside of mouth
  • Rigging and posing (and possibly animation)

Ah, much better.

I played with blender for a while and couldn’t get the texture to wrap around the Leia buns like you have yours. Also, as soon as I joined the buns to the head the texture mapping changed to the funny spiral I’ve got… Something to fix I guess. Anyway (and to the point): how’d you do that?

The eye socket needs a bit of work. Right now it has an angle starting from the top of the nose down toward the underside of the ear… which isn’t quite right.
The red marks where things ought to be and the green marks the area of interest: there is a large hollow there which should be filled with nice, puffy cheek (for smiles).

Also, the brow should have a slight S-shape, starting low at the nose and arching over the orbital. Right now it looks like she’s lifting her brow.

Well, I’ll shut up now…

Hope this helps.

[edit]Maybe it is the idea of a cute girl that makes you think of Katt? ;)[/edit]

Hmm… Could be, could be. Or maybe it’s because it’s such a great work of art :wink:

I think the clothe’s need a bit of work, but it is coming along rather nicely. Also you might wanna add those cute little blush circles, give her some warmth :slight_smile:

Some more updates – I’m getting close to finishing this mesh!

Still to do:

  • Inside of mouth
  • Hair things (antennae?)
  • Rigging
  • Tweaks here and there.

Yay! It looks great!

Have you got some really high specularity on the dress?

The shape of the face is starting to look a lot better. Hey, are you using a colour ramp on the dress, cause it looks it’d be kinda velvety

I’m calling it done for now. I’ve added the details that were remaining (hair things, mouth, etc.) and tweaked the materials a little. I think I’ll leave rigging and posing until some other time. Have fun playing around with her!

[edit]I did some last minute tweaking, but her skin still color might still need some more editing.[/edit]

As promised the Blender file can be found here: