My plugin for exporting a mesh to a Quake2 md2 model format

Here is my first draft of a python plugin that export mesh to md2 model format for the GPL Quake2 engine.

It is a work in progress and is released “as is” just for information.
The light normals seem to be a little wrong and currently anims are not implemented. It only export 1 mesh as 1 md2 with uvmap texture. now I need to perfection myself with Blender before finishing this plugin.

When finished, this python script will probably be a possible base for Quake1 mdl or Quake3 md3 similar export plugin. If there are other peoples in the Blender community that are interested by Quake format, just let me know :wink:

I realize this post is somewhat old, but has any more work been done on this script? I’m a new Blender user, but a long-time OpenGL programmer looking to use Blender to make some models to use in my code. This script appears to work fine for the included .blend file, but had errors for my own. I could dig into the object model for the Python scripts myself (and probably will eventually, anyway) but thought I’d check if there are any updates on this one, or any other working scripts out there for exporting models to MD2 or MD3 format. These formats are pretty easy to work with, so I think a good export script in Blender would be a huge plus.

This is not directly related, but since I´m a newbie here, I guess it´s a good place to tell you what I´m after.

I´m interested in Doom3 and custom content creation for it. I´m not a modeller myself, but a programmer (OpenGL and stuff).
The doom3 modelling community is in need of some way that allows character modelling and animation. The “current” way to do that is to use Maya. For a hobbyist modder, Blender would be alot better since it´s free. :slight_smile:

So I´m looking into a way to export a blender model (mesh + armature) into a md5mesh and md5anim (these are the formats that Doom3 uses).

As I dig deeper into the whole Blender/Python thing, I´ll sure post some questions so be prepared fellas. :slight_smile:

My first few experiments with armature and bone information extraction raised alot of questions. I´ve seen that script by Jean-Baptiste Lamy, I think I can learn alot from it.

I´ve also released a md5 viewer for Win32 that does tangent space bumpmapping, take a look at if you want to know more.