My Room - Need opinions

Hello everyone!
I’ve tried to recreate my own room, enjoying this project quite a lot.
It’s a pretty narrow and long room so I wasn’t exactly sure how to position the camera or the size of the picture.
Currently the camera is looking through the doorway and I’m using it as a border for the sides.

There are a couple of little things I still want to add, like my PC/Keyboard/Mouse and stuff like water bottles.
I did a little bit of post processing as well, opinions on if it’s too much/too little would be nice.
I’d also like to know what you guys think about the chair that I’ve made, my brother says it looks weird, for me it looks fine, so idk what to think.
Behind the bed there are still like 2 meters or so of room, usually where I workout, sadly you can’t really see that.

Advice/opinions in general are welcomed and highly appreciated, thanks for reading. :slight_smile:


First of all, I’m a noob in Blender.
That said…man, i think the scene is really great, the lighting seems real!!

About the chair, I agree with your brother, I have a similar chair (even the colours are the same), i think you should increase the wheels size a bit, and put some thickness on the arms…only this

The floor: is it those “wallpapers” to floor ? if not, you should use a displacement and gloss/specular map to make it more realistic

I think you have done a good job.
Though everything is way to clean, no surface in the world is 100% clean. It will look much more realistic if you add imperfections to the materials.
Good luck :slight_smile:

Now that you mention it, I do agree with the wheels/arm rests. No clue how I didn’t notice that.

Concerning the floor texture, I was pretty sure that someone would mention it, I personally would have mentioned it as well. :smiley:
Of course you can’t know this, but my floor is actually really cheap and its not actual “wood”, its just a wood texture slapped on cheap compressed wood i guess. I’m not sure how to explain it, but what I’m trying to say is that there is no actual wood surface, it’s basically flat, with no bump so to say.
I might add a bump map just to make it look better but then it wouldnt really represent my room. I’ll think about it.
I’ll definitely add stuff like footprints or something like that.

Really appreciate your comment, thanks a lot. :slight_smile:

Thank you too for the comment, concerning the floor, look at the above reply.
If you might mean other materials like the desk and chair or whatever, it’s hard to add surface imperfections when an object is somewhat far away from the camera, I doubt anything that I’d add would be visible.
Thanks again. :slight_smile:

No problem man!

Footprints or some dust (i’m not saying your room is dirty hahahaha) will fit perfectly…
Everything i do in Blender i see, the more imperfections it have, the more realistic it seems