my scene is being stretched at the end of the viewing area

something happened along the way in this project because it was not like this at first.

Problem 1
I used procedural texturing with a medium sized image which i repeated along y axis
I desaturated the same image and used it for nor mapping. but as you can see at a certain point the sidwalks start a wicked stretching thing that I can’t seem to fix.
when i move my camera further down the road the stretching moves with it. any help would be appreciated i’m sure its not a huge problem

my second problem comes in a similiar fashion where the walls become stretched and have color strewn throughout them at about the same point everything starts to stretch. the walls are textured in the same way as the sidewalks

the odd thing about all of it is that the road is done in the exact same way but I don’t see any problems there.

i’m almost sure its a camera problem or a setting thing because the sidewalks and the road are not stretched the entire length. I duplicated them and matched them up to make texturing easier.

any help would be appreciated.

By the way the forum wont let me post an image?

got the pic working so you can see what im talking about

also now that i look at it, it seems like the road is also doing some weird things in the distance.

what version?

I used 2.49b but I’m beginning to work with 2.5 on other projects.

I will try rendering with yaf(a)ray

no luck with yafaray

sorry if im being annoying I’m just very close to finishing this scene and can’t understand this problem.

It looks to me like something related to mipmapping, though I haven’t seen this kind of effect before. It may also be related to using the image in the Nor channel. Try using the Material without the Nor and see if it affects the problem, and also try turning mipmapping off in the Texture specs to see what effect that has. These kinds of steps can help isolate the problem.

If it’s feasible you might also post a .blend that shows the problems so others can dissect your Material and Scene setup to see where the probs may be.

I’ll try what you said and see if i can post my .blend file I have over 3 millions verts right now and the file it self is pretty huge.

shutting off mipmapping fixed the problem on the walls and the road but kind of reversed the nor effect.this was the result.

this is without mipmapping

this is without mipmapping or any nor applied

well I’ve pretty much fixed the problem by playing with the nor while the mip map was off. I’m not new to blender by any means but I tend to shy away from pressing buttons that are on by default haha i’m more of a modeler and have only begun to play with getting good textures using images.

anyway thanks for the help!