My Scribing Angle

I heartily agree that “your intended target should determine your workflow,” and that you should strive to “work” as little as possible to get there. :slight_smile:

Likewise, talk of “[photo-]realism” really are pointless. (Who ever said that “a photo” is “realism,” anyway? Certainly not a photographer who has a darkroom!)

But, this image does bring back fond memories of my grandfather, who was (among many other things …) a woodworker. The family carefully preserved his tools – and, with them, his legacy. So, I guess that your render definitely accomplished at least one purpose. No matter how exactly you did it, you did bring back: “my grandfather’s tool.”

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:handshake: :blush:

That’s what it all was and is about.

My grandfather also had a saying which comes back to me here: “Good enough for Peace work.” (Of course, he worked in industry during World War 2.)

FYI: In the first theatrical release of Star Wars® Episode One, a crowd in the “podracer sequence” was actually represented by “colored Q-Tips.” The trick was revealed in a “Making Of” video, and of course the shot has since been replaced. But, no one noticed at the time. (Including me.)

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Having fun is good… spending much life time on “unneeded” (?) things… a individual decision… ( if it make you happy :person_shrugging: )

My two cents…
You may split this into two subobjects… so you can even control the metalness of the different materials (since you wanted to go precise/realistic anyway)… you have already different mesh densities and needs for the roundes and the hard edged part…

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