Hi, I wanted to make script in py - in theory it looks like this
- Select OBJECT.
- Select FIRST face
- Select SECOND face
- Separate it to make another object.
- repeat it by half of OBJECT faces (every time it disconnects 2 faces so there have to be half of it ;))
But I’ve a problem with it - Idk why but it only allow to make 97 objects (+1 which is main) where overall should be 194 (check out console - it shows that it disconnected 194 faces but whole object has 388, so it’s half of it).
I’m not pro in this - overall it’s my first script
Thanks for help, Pyrol
Blockquote index = 0
for i in range (0,194):
object = bpy.context.active_object
object.data.polygons[index].select = True #Selecting first face
print(index , "<first ")
object.data.polygons[index].select = True #Selecting second face
print(index , "<second ")
bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type=“SELECTED”) #Separating these 2 faces to make another obj
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = ‘OBJECT’)
object = bpy.data.objects[‘Trawa’] #Name of BASE object
object.select = True