My sculptjanuary 2020

Here is my enteries of the sculptjanuary challenge
my approach for this challenge is a little bit different and is not all about sculpting :wink:
Hope you like it
(this post will be update after every topic)
for more detial please check my instagram/twitter page: @abol_fazls

Day01: Spectral

Day02: Machine
robot concept by Mattdixon

Day03: Nervous
(brain, eyes, toilet are ready model)

Day04: Rigid
(roadster, fire hydrant are ready model)

Day05: Procrastination
(for the ground i used Graswald addon and the ant is ready model)

Day06+14: Darkness + Crystalline
(hand bones was ready model)

(this post will be update after every topic)


the procrastination is very funny ! well done !!

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