My sewer rat - the blend file

This is the blend file of my WC entry. I didn´t pack the textures for the sake of filesize. For the shape of the rat: make a google search (images)on ‘rat’, and take the second one. I used the technique from the famous ‘creating a logo’ tutorial to make the rat shape and put it in front of the lamp.

You will notice that I spent most of the time on lighting, since the modeling is rather simple.

For my entry, I used the unified renderer.

Have fun,

Nice work, just one thing, what kind of light is producing the light to make it cast the shadow on the wall. Im not talking spot or hemi or anything like that. I mean in real life what kind of light would sit so low in a sewer? Just wondering if there were these kind of lights in sewers… Nice work tho, i like the water reflections onto the roof of the sewer tunnel.


Its called style

pretty nice, can u bring up a bigger pic

Thank you Enos !

Couldn´t have come up with a nicer explanation. :smiley:
Actually, I didn´t really care where this light comes from as long as it fulfills its purpose in creating the atmosphere.

Varg Black: The bigger one is in the Weekend Challenge #59, I don’t want to post that pic everywhere. It´s also somewhere in this forum already.

it’s right here, where it belongs:’s weeken challange hall of fame
(in the end of the page)



tx for sharing

For the light, I would say the sewer end up on the side of a dam or something, don’t exactly know, and a bit of the sun light in entering…but well I don,t think it would do that but anyway very good effect hehe :stuck_out_tongue: