My spaceship thing

I started working on this earlier on a whim. Ive got mousepad wrist burn and im tired. Off to bed with me.

Its like some wierd mix of an F-4 and those awesome looking bomber ships in freespace. Too bad i wont be able to texture it worth a damn.

Stuff to fix, get rid of the stupid “crease” on the nose.

Damn Enos shenk, you’re reading my mind. I’m planning on making this spacefighter/bomber based freely on the F4 Phantom.

Have this idea in my head but I should find time to start working on it.

Your model is looking fine. Too bad you’re saying, you’ll not be able to texture it. Maybe you could give it to the communinty to texture it?


Hey pretty cool! I immediadly reckonize the bomber missile rack :smiley: Freespace is an awesome game!

Great model I really like the “sharp” egde look even if it’s smoothed :smiley:

No! Dont get rid of the crease! I think it looks cool as is. I also think you should give it to the community to texture. Maybe you could start up a ‘contest’ much like the ‘power of post production’ thing that went down a couple days\weeks ago… I would be willing to donate my blends for such a cause :slight_smile:

whoa…that was WAAAAAAAAAAAY off topic… sorry.

Nice model tho. Very nice!


sure! giving for texturing sounds like a great idea! just provide a texture :þ

I was going to ask sonix if he would like to co-op and texture it, but your right. A community thing would be much cooler. As soon as i finish the building, ill release the .blend for anyone to play with.


very cool looking :stuck_out_tongue: I like

Wicked idea, lets me off the hook a bit, plus I’m still without my Blender at the moment.

I’m not sure my texturing skills are worthy of such a fine model but I’m looking forward to having a go anyway, when I can get my pc set up again.

Top modeling detail as always Enos,
