My Stargate Attempt


I decided to try this project too since everyone is having so much fun with it…

I have created my own thread… not nearly as far along as the other guysworking on this project…but giving it a good try :slight_smile:

First image:

And comments or crits welcome,


well ok…perhaps a bit of a rough start :stuck_out_tongue:

The symbols are real … just not turned correctly and a few were out of order… I have started to correct that slowly and I am about 1/2 thru the symbols…

the chevrons are wrong and the spacing isn’t quite right either… so I have removed those for now…

anyway… here is the next update…

To make the spacing of the chevrons right, spin dup them around the center of the Gate. There are 9 chevrons.

Just out of curiousity…

I have seen your gate and LOTR’s gate… and while out looking on he net, I found this image in wikipedia for the Stargate movie:

so is this one incorrect?

Or is teh symbol layout different from the movie to the series?

Just curious… now that I have all my symbols modelled…just want to make sure I have them in the correct spots… :slight_smile:


The gate in that pic is most definately wrong. In my thread I give a nice 3000 x 3000 pic that has all the symbols right. :wink:

[Edit] Sorry, they’re in Tynach’s thread. I wonder what all the sudden interest in gate models is… It has been vastly helpful having someone else trying do do the same things I’m trying to do, though.

That looks great cujo. Did you model all that or use surface displacement? Because modelling it sounds like a pain…

Maybe, but it is very satisfying.:wink:

It is all modelled…no displacement so far…

Just a LOT of careful modelling… a calculator… and a LOT of Spin/Spin Dup :slight_smile:


ok… my last update tonight.

I finished all of my symbols now. I’ll let you guys figure what the origin is :stuck_out_tongue:

I also remodelled the filagree decoration around the edge… will do some more work on it tomorrow…

let me know what ya think…

thanks gain!


Point of origin = Abydos. Easy. :slight_smile: Both the rectangles outside of the spinning ring, and the pattern inside of the spinning ring are pretty inaccurate. Look up some pictures to see what I mean.


Yeah, I found some close-up images of the front and back of the Abydos gate and realize the “trim details” are way off… I am just going to correct things as I go. This model is actually a model I started almost 2 years ago and didn’t have much of a reference… now that I have a good collection of pics, I am slowly redoing it to try and correct the errors…

Thanks for the help and thanks for looking…


The inner part of the inner ring that has the pattern is actually a bevel. I havn’t gotten around to it either, but I thought I’d mention it…