Which in turn was very Art Noveau-architecture inspired, mixed with a heavy dose of 60’s-70’s sci-fi, and I get a very similar vibe from your work. I could see this being on the cover of a “vintage” Popular Science or old sci-fi novel from the 70’s.
This is fantastic! Love me some Doctor Who!!! Thank you @joseph for the kind words…and my inspiration when I started heading down this path was some of this persons work : https://www.behance.net/sherstobit7bde
I appreciate you saying that @KickAir_8P ! Unfortunately I did not make it in the top 100 But mine was shown in the minutes leading up to the live event!!! So I’m glad it was at least seen/judged. I’ll have to do better next time.
According to the spreadsheet you’n’I are both in the same “Rank” (there are 70 of us in that one, running from 189 to 258) – BN still picked yours for the opening montage, so he must’ve liked it.