My video for children

Video for children. With blender slowly I created a series …
My fourth video. (Actually it was the first of four)

Is the lighting in the video looks you right?
Thanks. :slight_smile:

Nice animation i really liked the sound effaces it was over all a cool kids animation good job.

Awesome work News2watch!
I love the child like appeal, it is soooooo realistic and cool!
Keep up the GREAT work!

Great! My main four critiques:

  1. Since the grass has no texture, its hard to tell if its solid or just the atmosphere color. Try adding either a grass texture or some sort of checkerboard pattern to fix this.
  2. My personal opinion: Cycles would add much more quality/depth to it while still engaging its audience. Here is a kids animation rendered with octane renderer (Very similar in shading to cycles).
  3. Often it is hard to tell depth. Is the camera set to orthographic view? This makes depth confusing in my opinion.
  4. Some more camera movement would also help give a sense of depth. In areas like this, add slight camera movement like in other places of the animation.

Many thanks for your reviews

This is brilliant! Keep it up! The only thing I would say (and this is just my opinion,) the green texture is a little sore on my eyes. But that could be because I’m watching this on a 43" tv and I’m like 3 foot away from the thing…