My Villan

This is my first face/head. I’ve been using blender for about 3 or 4 weeks now with no prior 3d experiance. I keep trying to add hair but it just doesn’t look right. I think he looks meaner bald. Any suggestions.

Off Topic: Haha, did you ever used to watch wrestling back in the day? I used to watch it back in like… '97. He looks like Golddust. :wink: Of course, wrestling is fake… but I didn’t care back then.

The nose and mouth bother me, as does the lighting in your render. I highly suggest you read “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” by Betty Edwards. You’ll learn how to look at things in detail.

Sorry for being such a crit, just helping you out. :slight_smile:

I like your enthusiasm and interest. You’ll do good work someday, I know it! Just read up a couple books and follow some tutorials.


Considering you’ve been at 3D in general for 3 or 4 weeks, that’s pretty impressive! My best was a dodgy little spaceship after that time… Human heads are quite hard in any medium, but fortunately there are plenty of good tutorials in 3d, both in Blender and not. One of the better ones in here is by Torq, so search for ‘Torq’ and ‘Head Tut’ or something. Posting a wireframe would help us help you if you’re looking for more detailed feedback. For now, I’d suggest smoothing out the chin and the gap between the nose and mouth, probably also widen the nostrils a bit and drop the edges of them down, looks animal like. Unless that was your intention.

That’s a blend file with a basic light setup and a bit of a skin material. Would help show up your modelling better. Once again, great start!

All the best,

Thanks for replying guys. I probably should have stated before, I was not going for a realistic human model. I was trying to make almost like a comic book villan. I think it came out a little to human like. I am trying to get the mouth area thinner and protrude out a little more. Also the lighting, I did not light it yet, because i’m still working on it. I put 1 spot lamp in there so I could see it. When its done I will light it good. Maybe I will smooth out the areas suggested, but would like to keep some of the lines comming off the sides of the mouth. Thanks again. Maybe I will post a wire frame for all to laugh at.:smiley: