my wacom mouse got messed up in inkscape

i got a wacom intuos 3 tablet and now i can’t use my mouse in inkscape…i tried messing around with “input devises” too but that also seems glitchy.

basically the cursor in inkscape isn’t where my mouse is. or no, it is, but the program doesn’t act like it is. it only works if i set it to pen mode, but i dont’ want to do that.

anyone seen the same issue?

I get the same problem in GIMP too. Photoshop works fine though. Personally I just used my regular mouse and then the pen for the tablet. I wonder if it doesn’t have to do with mouse acceleration or some similar such setting, I never did bother to troubleshoot, just chalked it up to one of those “quirks” with some software.

I just have a good ol’ wacom pen partner and I never had any problems. you did connect the serial AND the PS/2 ports both right?

Pen tablet drivers are timing critical. If you have too many trojans, unrecognized by anti-virus software, it won’t work properly anymore. Guess you are on win. Reinstall regularly or use Linux at least for surfin’. Just my 2 rupees.

if you’re having virus problems, order panda, it realy is the best out there, no discussion possible.


no discussion possible
Ignorance is one of the reasons why trojans are so widespread. Most of them won’t get recognized by ANY antivirus software. People who do programming should be able to understand. I heard of malicous tools which are able to generate polymorphic stealth rootkits. No easy task to find them and imho not to be automated. Tell the people that this or that software is a good protection will make them happy. They love to believe it. If you differentiate a bit more, like me, you run against walls. Why is that?

yea im on windows. and yea its messed up in gimp too. >:(

um, what is that? i just plugged it in the usb and then installed the drivers/software…

so u think it’s a trojan? yea xp has been glitchy for a while…im not a professional programmer, and i would use linux if i could but i share my comp with my brothers who wouldn’t like that…but after my bro graduates this year i get his mac so yay!

is there any way i could get rid of the viruses 3d-penguin? and a reinstall of what? the tablet drivers? or xp? that would be annoying…

Dude, I really don’t think it’s a trojan, I’m pretty sure it is only a limitation of the Wacom mouse in gimp and inkscape using windows. I run a pretty tight network, and on different PC’s, including one’s at work, it is the same results.

As I stated before though, I haven’t found much use for the Wacom mouse when drawing, I’m sure most others are the same, that is probably why you don’t find too many people talking about it. I will do some trouble shooting and see if we can’t find an answer.

Good luck on your end too.

thanks brad, i feel a bit better about it now…i guess the issue is that’d i’d prefer to use the mouse cuz in gimp it’s easier to zoom and whatever and i can’t always get the pen buttons to cooperate in inkscape. i set them, but it just seems glitchy. they’re actually working fine now i guess, i was just wondering what was up with the mouse.

Thought I posted a response last night, I did some troubleshooting with my own wacom and still couldn’t get any further. I turned off the acceleration on the mouse, not sure why gimp calls it a puck, but still no better. I wonder if it’s not the mouse acceleration in winXP, I believe you have to change that in the registry though.

The reason I believe it is the acceleration is partly because the cursor moves exponentially away from the drawing circle, but then there is also the problem of when you barely pick up the mouse the drawing circle will move and the cursor stands still. Maybe Inkscape and Gimp have a hard time when switching between how the mouse and stylus work, but then again it could be GTK maybe, since it is gimp and inkscape?

I’m not sure myself, but I did want to make sure you knew it was not a virus.

huh…i think u know more about this than i do. but yea have u ever tried adjusting the “input devices” in inkscape? it always glitches up on me.

yea thanks after limewire and soundtaxi im tryin to be more cautious…