my WC #100 entry need c&c **update 5/13**

Well, I wanted to think outside of the box on this one and this is what I came up with. I know about the stretching on the chair and the center picture. I also plan to add a lamp on the front of the desk and possible a window over the filing cabinet.


maybe the table and chair are a bit low… and the drawers are too small for the file cabinet.

The table looks crooked, the paper in the wastebasket is way too uniform and small, the drawers in the cabinet are tiny, the wall is too hard looking, the whole thing is too grainy, and you’ve got a great start!! Keep it up. Sorry for the harsh crit. Oh. And the table and chair are indeed too low. It looks like a desk for little people.

erm good but yeah the drawers for the file cabenit are way too small also they normally have a lock at the top erm i like the bit of scruffed up peper on the desk but if the table ment to be slanted it would be on the floor erm and the paper wouldve flew of well slide of its all bout physics :wink: but yeah good apart from them

File cabinet should be shinier, and the paper seems too white. It hurts the eyes to look at it. Maybe shade them a little more. Otherwise, very cool and unique. :smiley:

you need to set the shair texture to “cube” it is very very very stretched where the persons behind would be.

It is set to cube I am going to uv map it but its going to take a while because it was made with curves. :frowning:

update on page one.

Thanks for the replys I am still working on the reflections and all so I didnt ignore you NQE1 I just havent done it yet. OK, on to the update. I added the window but that still needs some work. I raised up the desk and decreased the slope so it doesnt look so imposible anymore. Rebuilt the chair like it much more but still need to work on textures and details also dulled down the paper some. Oh and added a locking mechanism to the file cabinet and increased the drawer size. :smiley: Thanks everyone keep them comming.

That’s a great improvement over the first image. Good work.

One easy thing you can do to increase the realism of this scene is to add a layer of dirt or other natural noisy texture to the table, the carpet and the walls. At the moment they look too regular and perfect. One trick I have found to work is to pick up a tilable photographic texture online, say a rusted metal and then apply that at various scales with a very low COL setting. Works for me.

Hope that helps and best of luck with the challenge.


That’s good, I like it! What about a table lamp? Good work!

hmm table legs seem very thick

i see no one ever gets the contents of a garbage can just right… im not the only one :slight_smile:

Thanks again for all the coments and thanks for the tip samir I tried it and I like it. Anyway I tried I added a light to the scene to show the reflectivity of the materials and I also did an ao only render dont know what one I like better. Im still working on chair detail and the lamp could use some work and yes I cant seem to get the trash right yet but Im working on it :smiley: .

AO only

AO and light

oh and I am creating a bump map for the carpet texture.

The seat of the chair seems to have some sharp corners. Otherwise . . .

AWESOME! (it’s written in capital letters so you KNOW it’s true. :wink: )

not high enough subsurf on chair, no light coming from drawing lamp on desk, and the file cabinet needs beveling. good work so far

It’s getting better! I just don’t like the blue garbage can, I think it’s a little distracting. Maybe another color, or make it metal like. That’s just my opinion. Good work!

thanks everyone. I think that is a little exagerated NQE1 but thanks anyway :stuck_out_tongue: . I worked on the chair a little and mounted the light. Changed the can color think it looks better now.

Oh and skeletor, why would I have a light on in the middle of the day when there is plenty of light already :smiley: .