My WC entry

Well I never played the game, so this is what i came up with.

Still WIP

very nice!

  1. i can see edges on the arm of the couch
  2. how obvious can you make that clock!?!!

Well that’s one way of getting round not playing the game before. Anyway, good pic. The edges of the PS2 are bevelled too much I think. My PS2 has sharp edges :wink:

GFX Idiot

Yea I know the clock is a little much but I wanted it to be obvious that it was late. Thanks for the comments. Still working on the couch/chair.


Yea I kinda thought so, I don’t have a PS2 so I was going off pics from google, Ill work on it. Thanks

This is pretty good, but what about making the TV emit more light in relation to the room by for example placing a spotlight in fornt of it lighting up the room with blue light, except for the corners which should be dark?

yes, and the room looks too clean, too empty. Try adding a bit more detail around the central objects.


FF8 = One of my favorites.

As the others said, the room is quite barren, so throw a rug on the floor or something. Oh and as Thor said, PS2 has sharper edges. Otherwise, nice idea.

But If you have that big TV in real life I am jealous as hell. :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks for the suggestions, I’'l start to clutter my room now :slight_smile:

No I don’t have a TV that big… but my Brother-in-law does :smiley: