Let’s assume you have 4 mB per room skysphere, that’s 66*4 = 240mB of images.
Let’s assume you have 20 mB per transition, that’s probably 100 transitions: 2GB of video
Let’s assume you 50% of those rooms/transitions have alternate versions for various events/pickups.
Ok, your game will be 3-4 GB.
It’s not uncommon for games to be that big today, but you would obviously use a small format for videos. Also the panorama video, if that’s the most efficient way to do it would not be more than a 4 second looping video. For example one can imagine a looping waterfall, or a looping windmill or perhaps some trees waving. A 4 second medium resolutioned video on a low format probably wouldn’t be quite 4 MB big. Also the video that would lead you to another scene wouldn’t be many seconds long either. Also some areas wouldn’t have any animations in them which would mean no video is required.
An estimate would probably be 2-3 MB per scene, 5 MB per transition. If we got 66 rooms that’s:
198mb + however many transitions that is and additional video for interaction, the game probably wouldn’t be more than 1GB large.
It is one video per interaction (left turn, right turn, forward step, interaction with items). Not to forget the idle video.
I think we’re thinking of slightly different things, I was thinking of something like this when it comes to movement. You would be able to face 4 directions at all times:
And then instead of just moving forward, upon walking to a new area a video would be played and you would be walking up stairs, or go behind a cliff or whatever to the next area of interest. With the resolution and image quality of the renders of today the graphics could look quite amazing.
You need to keep the game status somewhere. I think a finite state machine would fit really well here (there are a lot other options). A FSM usually comes with a state graph. This can easily be transferred to locations and how you can travel from there. It can and should contain interactions too.
I’m no programmer, I only know of sending messages, changing variables and states to trigger new things to happen. A state machine sounds quite complicated, anyway managing the amount of videos that would have to be rendered out would be a mess.
This is an abbreviation for a single task (turning).
Lets talk about that. You can pan the video/image on the plane, while the camera stands still - without any distortions from cylinder projection. When you really want to move the player you can parent the plane on the player. Then you get a mix of pre-rendered background and 3D Models as mentioned earlier.
Parenting the plane would indeed make it possible to create some interesting effects I guess, I’m not sure how it would be useful though.
The advantage of paning or turning would be that you can keep the idle animation in place. The other mentioned solution would show the exact same video for turning without considering the currently played idle video pose.
You see there are many options, with different effects.
I think I see what you mean, if turning is a rendered video effect, the idle video might be cut off mid playing and you would notice the loop getting messed up when the turning video is played. I still think projecting a video onto a cylinder would be the best method, I managed to put a rendered panorama on a cylinder but it was distorted at the edges. If I could render out the panorama correctly a short test scene could be created and then one could try to see if interaction and transition to another scene is possible.