Mythical Protector (updated: more renders/angles + development)

This is one of my latest works, “Mythical Protector”:

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

Image 5:

Image 6:

This was created using Blender 2.43RC2.

Thank you for viewing my work,


awsome… just awsome

Very nice.

Although I do get the impression that the light which is falling on the statue ought to be spilling over to the staircase. If you composited the two, as I suspect, that’s an irregularity.

mindwarp: Thank you very much, mindwarp.

sundialsvc4: Thank you, sundialsvc4, for the response. While compositing was not used, I do have four lamps in the scene, with the main illumination coming from a buffered shadow lamp pointing down and left. It has a soft edge and uses auto-clipping. The other lamps were used to key and balance out the AO. Some slight screening/overlay also occurred in the render nodes. Lower levels were nudged upward in post for gamma considerations.


thats a kickass statue Robert, congrats

Great work RobertT ! I’d like to see a bigger version to get a better perception of the details you put on the model. Did you model it with the sculpt tool ? The red touch on background is very welcome.

awesome. What are your inspirations, references? It has a strange mix of chinese/maya/aztec feel to it… congrats: quite a beautiful demonstration of the capabilities of the sculpt mode.

Surely a little advertisement on CGtalk with this post will, once more, draw attention on Blender, in a community where Zbrush is some sort of a king… Have you / will you post it on CG talk forums?

The statue is great.

Maybe is me but I have trouble to “sense” the scale of the model, especially in the first render where either the stair steps are too small or the “hand rail” of the stairs is too broad.
I just can’t imagine a human placed in that scene.

The second render is better.

Dude, the 4 stars youve got way under-rate this work, the way its been lits gives it a fealing of being photoreal, especially the second one

5 stars

How many polys in that thing Robertt?

Halfway disagree with this statement. I do like a contrasting color behind the statue (on the first image), but I think red is way out of place, and breaks the continuity of the scene since none of it appears in the foreground, even as a radiated effect. I don’t know what to suggest instead, just that I don’t think this works.

With the first image, I get the sense of a mystical temple, and the thot came to mind of having some kind of fog/mist or a dust-in-a-sunbeam effect to lend credence to this impression. This could also serve to juxtapose the statue to some degree.

Robertt, I love the organic shapes you’ve been creating with sculpt, but find myself wishing to see it used in something thats actually organic, rather than cold stone statues. Just a thot…

yet another impressive piece by RobertT

Maybe a stupid thing to say but I like the floor in the second picture.
The sculpture itself looks allmost spot on (just the front left paw looks a bit odd partially due to the lighting).


I’d like to see the base mesh of the stature to see just how much of the detail is sculpt mode.

Beautiful picture, impressive work. Strangly I thought the name when I first saw it was mythical projector

Once again I love your work RobertT! I love the way you manage to get such realistic lighting and materials!


really great stuff robertt, so much personality and tiny details in this one, awsome mood. overall it is a great work!!

i love this peice!! :smiley:

i give you five super wu-men!!
i mean stars…:stuck_out_tongue: :yes: :spin:

I guess it must be good if you got Wu-man to comment. Oh, almost forgot.


I’ve always wanted to do that:eyebrowlift: :yes:

huh, where did this one come from? Its not in the list!! I want it too!

Anyways, that piece is really awesome, RobrerT:eyebrowlift: Very nice, you are really pushing blender to its limits.

Looks at the base mesh

Wow, easy to appreciate how low poly one can actually go for the base mesh and have all these details in sculpt mode.:spin:

I will reply more specifically to you all as soon as I get the chance. For the moment I just wanted to point out I added a bunch of new images in the top post so you can see more of the details.

Much more happened between the base mesh and the final project (loop cuts, proportional editing, etc.), but I figured I’d give an idea how it all started out.

Around 15 hours went into this project. It concluded at just over one million verts.

Talk to you all soon,
