N Key and dimensions

What is the Math model behind Blender ?

The Transform panel shows the dimensions and angles of the object in object mode and if you scale or change dimensions in object mode it will be shown in the Transform panel.

But i you go into edit mode and you scale or change dimensions this won’t be shown into the Transform panel ?

Why is it so ?
where can you see the dimensions for the edit mode
after scaling or re-dimensiioning the object ?

This is like screwing up eveybody
you have to be able to see the real dimensions of object after a transformation in object or edit mode ?

I know that Blender is not a CAD but it has to obey some mathematical model because it is a program after all and it sould show the real values of lenght and angles !

Why this difference can someone explain ?

Tanks & Salutations

This is a subject that has been discussed ad nasium

I understand your frustration and the issue is about the difference between scaling objects and vertex editing - it basically screws up

The only way I got round it was using the grid to ‘count’ out the scale (eg one small square to a metre)

But do a search of this forum and put aside a week to read the previous posts on this issue…


In Mesh Tools 1 panel in the Editing window, turn on Edge Length.

The math behind blender is pretty straight forward. When you first add a mesh (in top view at the origin) the global and local cordinates are the same. If you scale or rotate the mesh in edit mode you are not scaling or rotating the object but merely moving the objects verts around. If you scale or move the object in object mode you aren’t moving the verts anymore but applying a transformation to the object – the local vertex coordinates don’t change and so are different from the global coordinates.

If you press ctrl-a it will apply any object transformations you have made, also if you press the global button in the n-key panel you can read/set a vertex using global coordinates.
