N00bs UNITE! - Character and Animation Thread

Hello, this thread is reserved for those working on the Monkey Game Project, see my sig for details. Members subscribe to this thread please

Chaser- is currently adding some cool doodads for our monkey hero to Hurl lol - ninja stars and what not - that kind of cool stuff. If you have suggestions for him leave them on this thread or PM him etc.

remember it’s easier to tell us all if you just use this thread.

mattsixclaw - please tell me which of your models you want me to help you rig; I don’t want you to have to do that all by yourself. So let me know which ones you will rig and which ones you want me to rig.
Also, let me know which ones you want to animate, and which ones you want me to help you animate. Together we will decide what Actions to give your models. Let me know as soon as you can. PM, Email, or thread - any of them will work.


C-106 Delta - has neared completion on Boss character (above). He’s done so so quickly and so well, I’m beginning to think we can have more than one boss now - but I need you guys to tell me what you think about that.

Also, I need all in my team to give me input on how you feel the game is progressing.

Tell me what you think the other teams need to be planning for and thinking about. Because I’ll include that in our next big update. Try to do so before Wednesday night.

The rest of you guys James XVI and Chirps please do the same - If you have any characters in your head that you’d like to include in the game let us know, and we’ll all see whether or not we think that is a good idea.
James and Chirps can help us animate - and guys also help us think about what we should do with all those models mattsixclaw has given us (below). Which should be enemies and which should be friends… should one of them be a powerup - or an NPC? What? Just think about it and let me know.


In this link you will find matt’s objects plus a shark by Chaser! - sorry if I used a bad file hoster

happy blendering, goodnight
peace, ease, and hairgrease etc.

let me know if I said anything to confuse you

hey guys! Thanx for the comments on models magicmyshu! Just wundering did u get all the textures with those models? I did texture most of them. the watermelon, coconut and the big guy with bulging muscles were all uvmapped. just wundering if they were when u looked at them. I’ll rig the treeman dude, the bug with heeps of legs, and the bird. still sorta deciding, u got the dragon model right??

mattsixclaw - treeman, bug with many legs, and bird.

Okay, I’ll rig the others =)

IRC is
#MonkeyGame on irc.freenode.net

Character Team please use this thread to tell me what you’ve done so far, and what you are doing. Also, post your problems at the moment. Thank you.

ok boys! lets see some of those textures if there are any finished yet.

Ok boys! Like magicmyshu said, lets see wats happening and keep in touch!=)

soz! double post!

Magicmyshu ive sent u the rigged models, to ur e-mail. pm me.

sorry for violating the thread’s rules, but this game looks like it’s going to be some kind of lost Crash Bandicoot game for the PSX. take it as you will, it’s just a statement. nice texture on that one, though.

no explain what you mean by lost Crash Bandicoot game? Do you have some concerns about the gameplay?

i was just commenting on the modeling and the textures. i don’t have any idea how the game’s going to play. i saw more than 6 pages on the BGE thread, and i said “screw it.”

Regardless of Whether I already have them…

Everyone who’s done any character models or UV maps and animations, please send them to my email address - please combine all objects and a brief description of what that object’s purpose is using ONE BLEND FILE and a text file.

We want to get a push going so far as getting all content coordinated is concerned. We have all components neccessary to complete a functional demo by this weekend.

If you have not completed your content or you are having a problem, email me as soon as you can.

If I had a whip I’d be using it right here!

Here is a nice example of a well organized blend by Captain_Ahab.

It is very neat and has an incredible description in the text window that I’ve blown up so you can actually read it. Your blends don’t have to be exactly like this, but please make them comprable (whether they are blends or song files, please include some text about what your intentions for the file are)

and leaders please consolidate all the various doodads you receive from your members into one master file. I know that’s a lot of work and doesn’t really sound fun at all - but please do it for the scriptors who are really working very hard for this project.

please give me your thoughts everyone.


As my wits begin to slowly return, I realize that there are a couple of UV maps for characters that I had assigned to certain people in the very beginning that have never gotten done.

In other words - Help Wanted!

Now is your chance to join the other talented n00bs of the Monkey Project and to get your name in the credits as well as possibly a big hug from Myshu!

We have 3 models left to map, and beleive me when I say they are very low poly and very simple to do. If you have any experience with UV maps, you should be able to do it quite easily and get your name in the credits with everyone else. We can use the help to get us back on track for our schedule.

It would be greatly appreciated.
I need them by tomorrow evening.

send me a PM
or email me:
[email protected]