Hello Fellas,
My name is Kervin Abbott, but you can call me Hundred.
NAF 31: Stellar Defense is the name of an original, soon to be produced (hopefully), animated series (CG of course), created by myself, earlier this year (early to mid January). NAF 31 stands for: Non-Terrestrial Assault Force 31, which is a special branch of the periods’ own contemporary Stellar Defense Corp (Earth Military). The Non-Terrestrial Assault Force was founded in the year 2331 (hence the number 31), after a Human founded, Martian settlement was savagely destroyed by a seemingly non-emotional, highly intelligent, as well as highly advanced (200 years or so more than the Humans), alien race; which the Humans (since no one, Human or alien, has ever actually had contact with one of these aliens), refer to as the “Non-Terrestrials” (or NT’s). (Most of the other alien races in the NAF 31’s universe use a mutual designation, or name, for the NT’s which basically translates to: “The Cold Hatred”.)
In the NAF 31’s universe there are about ten thousand or so known alien specie’s, not including the Non-Terrestrials. Several of these species’ occasionally assists the Humans in their fight against the Non-Terrestrials; who, for no apparent reason, have chosen the Human race as quarry in a sadistic “game” of extermination. For this reason the Human race in the NAF 31’s universe is almost always at a high state of alert.
The NAF 31’s chronicles begin in the year 2360; some 29 years after the Mars attack (by the NT’s), and it is approximately 25 years after “The War” began. (Note: It takes the Humans almost two years to find out who was responsible for the destruction of the Martian settlement, and another year and a half to actually encounter the Non-Terrestrials again.) The main plot basically revolves around events, which happen to, and around the Captain and crew of the SD (Stellar Defense) Battle Cruiser Zeptuss, however other ships, places, peoples, and crews will be frequently chronicled. The Zeptuss is the flagship of the Stellar Defense fleet; it is an Avenger: (Class-A) Battle Cruiser, one of the largest and most powerful ships in the fleet. It is also nearly twenty years old, and very close to retirement age, (a lot of refitted systems).
As with other Sci-Fi franchises, as well as those of other genres, not all of the NAF 31’s installments (episodes) will deal with the Humans’ war against the Non-Terrestrials exclusively. I mean where’s the fun in that? I intend to have many which deal with issue that affect us in current times, things that have affected us in the past, both serious and humorous, romance, as well as various other types of situations. All to make for a well rounded, hopefully successful, and enjoyable series.
These are some of the ships, technologies, objects, structures, and places that will be featured in the series. (All done in Blender of course.) Tell me what you think.