Name a fair price for a +1000 PBR material asset library ready to use in Blender 3.0

Hey guys,

As you were interested in this discusion, I just wanted to inform you that the MVP is finally out and it is working quite well!

As for a price, I finally decided on $19 for +3000, 4K PBR materials + the “one-click PBR” add-on that’s used to create that library…

For more info, check out the main discussion: One-Click PBR Thread | +3000 PBR materials release | Only for $19 - #2 by Bloyd

Check out the promo video on youtube:

If you are interested, you can purchase the library on gumroad:

Soon, I will release more videos & articles to compare my library with Extreme PBR’s and more videos to show the library in action. A big thanks to those who already purchased!

Thank you for your immense help by discussing me this project early on!

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